Raschel tube

The Raschel tubes prepared in different widths are mainly used for the packing of pepper and garlic and the dying of seasoning pepper , but it can be used for the packaging of other materials as well, e.g.: pine- tree, bark, broom etc.

Types, packages:

Size Weight Colour Packing
11 cm 0,4 kg white, green 50 m/roll
22 cm 0,8 kg red, yellow 50 m/roll
60 cm 1,8 kg green 50 m/roll

Available colours:

Field of application of raschel tubes:

Packing of vegetables and other agricultural products.

Warehouse – deliveries

  • 6800 Hódmezővásárhely,
    Szántó Kovács János u. 160.
    Telefon/fax: +36 62 221-033
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